Month at a Glance & Habit Trackers
On the left page, I decided to add my habit trackers— I’m making three simple grid habit trackers that I can fill in to track hydration, meditation, and yoga. The great thing about February is it has 28 days, so it makes for a really satisfying-to-the-eye 14x2 grid box! Although I sometimes try to draw grids like this without a ruler, I really committed to the ruler here because when the lines are super clean, it makes the simplicity of the spread pop a bit more!
I kept the clean lines going when creating the month at a glance on the right page. The calendar itself is too small for me to actually fill in anything within it, but I’ve left a decent chunk of the bottom right page open for me to write down any important events.
Gratitude Log & Journal Prompts
I used my Sharpie s-gel black pen to create a simple table where, for each day of February, I’ll have room to quickly jot down something I’m grateful for. Although I don’t do a formal gratitude log in my journal every month, it is something I try to do mentally in the morning while getting ready….I know it can sound like a cheesy thing to do, but it’s refreshing to intentionally dedicate brain space towards something uplifting! I followed that by writing out some journal prompts I came up with including: which areas of my life do I feel most fulfilled with? What qualities within myself so I consider worth strengthening or healing? What’s a new hobby I could see myself investing time into this year?
Birthday Reflection
In February I will officially be turning 25 so I wanted to create spot to highlight this important life milestone because 25 feels like a pretty big deal— I’m a quarter of a century years old, hey ohhhh! The box on the left page is a dedicated place for me to record some highlights of my 24th year of life— in last week’s vlog, I mentioned how because January new year planning and my birthday are so close together, I feel like I end up in a very self reflective state for the first month of the year, so this is a wonderful way to close this season off.
On the bottom left page is a spot for me to record intentions I have for 25. The right page has a section for recording some general life lessons that I think will serve me well to remember as I head into this next life quarter. I also want to think about a word of the year for 25….word of the years have become really popular as of late, and it’s essentially just the practise of choosing a word to represent what you want the next year to look like. Here’s an article where you can learn more!

Weekly Spread
Each day of the week gets its own little spot for me to write to-do list items— with the weekend getting smaller sections because there’s usually less of a need for serious planning on those days. The events table is spot to write down any appointment/events, or a general summary of the kind of day I plan to have: I.e. a filming day, an editing day, a cleaning day, etc.
And then to really bring the photos to life, I just let my hand doodle some images that felt right for the image— even though the photos aren’t taken by myself, the doodles help personalize them and feel like they’re just meant to be there.
Usually I leave the actual planning for off-camera, but I decided to just quickly highlight my day of birth on February 8th. I haven’t decided exactly how I plan to spend the day yet— I don’t usually do anything crazy— but a trip to the bookstore may be involved with my plans, haha!
Which spread caught your eye? Let me know in the comment section down below! Until next time, Xo — C.